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Showing posts with the label guardianshipforminorchildrenifgivenassets

Minor Beneficiaries | How to Leave an Inheritance for Young Children

When choosing beneficiaries for your retirement accounts, minor children cannot inherit money directly from your 401K or IRA. When something unexpected happens and you did not set these accounts up correctly, the courts will appoint someone (perhaps someone you may not have chosen) to monitor how this money is being used for your child. ---------- TimeWise Financial is a unique financial services company that believes a purposed life stems from the root of financial confidence. Our mission is to help our clients discover what makes their lives meaningful by uncovering the purpose that inspires them daily. At Timewise Financial, we offer more than just money management. We help you define a clear purpose for your future and implement a carefully crafted financial plan that gives you the financial confidence you need to live your meaningful life. Interested in learning more? Check out our website: Follow us on social media: Facebook: LinkedIn: And, subscribe to our Yo...