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Showing posts with the label howdidnancypelosiget100milliondollars

Unveiling the Enigma: Mitt Romney's Roth IRA worth $100,000,000

#mittromney The news outlets are going crazy over Mitt Romney's mysterious $100,000,000 Roth IRA. How could an IRA with a maximum yearly contribution of $6,000 grow to contain $100 million? How exactly has Mitt Romney built his incredible wealth? Today you're going to learn about the power of building wealth inside of a self-directed IRA. I'm sharing the secrets of Mitt Romney's $100,000,000 Roth IRA, how to make smart retirement and tax choices, and what you need to do to build your own wealth! Download our FREE Freedom Number Cheat Sheet here ➜ Read Our Best Selling Book “How to Pay Off Your Mortgage in 5 Years” ➜ Ready to buy your first rental property? Book a 30 Minute call with our team ➜ Subscribe to this channel for more great tips ➜ Want Funding For Your Real Estate? ➜ Love podcasts? 🎧 Listen to our award winning Investing in Real Estate Podcast ➜ Apple Podcasts: 🎧 Follow me on Instagram! Instagram: Want to Get...