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Showing posts with the label howdopeopleretire

Comparing Retirement Options: With Dividends or Without?

In this valuable video I tell you what retirement is like for people who own dividend stocks versus those that don’t. 0:00 Intro 0:28 Census Report on Income Sources for Older Households 0:39 Household Income Deciles 1:34 Who is in those (retiree) households 1:54 6 Main Sources of (retiree) Income 6:40 What should an average 40-yr-old do that has never invested? 7:33 Quality Dividend stocks (perhaps Aristocrats & Kings) 8:14 Simple 3-Step Plan to get Wealthy/Rich 8:31 Why Dividend Passive Income is Ideal for Retirement 9:06 Median Retirement Accounts by Age 9:40 Example Div Portfolio to have about the pension/retirement acct that 65+ folks have 10:08 TLDR 10:25 Average Annual Spending of Retirees 10:34 Median Retirement Deferral rates 10:57 Retirement Calculators 11:08 More Benefits of Retiring with Dividends 11:35 Retiring without Dividends using the 4% Rule 12:32 Shoutouts/Outro My Seeking Alpha Premium Affiliate Link ➜ Chat with me on my free Dividend Discord chat s...