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Showing posts with the label howmoneyworks

"In a recent interview, Warren Buffett shares his prediction for a recession in 2023."

Warren Buffett talks about his thoughts on whether a recession will be occurring in the United States (US) economy. This interview took place on CNBC with Becky Quicky interviewing Warren Buffett on his recent trip to Japan. At 92 years old, it has become extremely rare for Buffett to give interviews. Lucky for us, he recently sat down for an interview where he talked about everything from the future of Berkshire Hathaway to the fallout from the banking collapse. However, it was his comments around the economy that really got my attention. As CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett gets a look into the economy that is unmatched by anyone in the world. Berkshire Hathaway is a holding company that owns over 65 different companies, in a variety of industries across the world. Buffett gets to see exactly how these companies are performing on a monthly, weekly, and even daily basis. This allows him to have a deep understanding of what is happening in the economy at any given time. In t...

Investment Insight from Peter Lynch for 2023.

(#stocks , #investing , #peterlynch) Peter Lynch's investing lessons and wisdom on how to invest in 2023. He has given interviews and lectures and written books on how to invest successfully with the investing lessons still applicable today in 2023. If you want to learn how to get rich investing in the stock market, Peter Lynch is someone you NEED to be learning from. Lynch has arguably the best track record of any stock picker that has managed large amounts of money. During his time running the famous Fidelity Magellan fund, Lynch was able to achieve a nearly 30% annual return over a 13 year period. This is virtually unheard of in the world of professional money management. Thankfully for us, Peter was an open book with the secrets of how to invest successfully after he left the industry. I have spent countless hours studying every thing Peter Lynch has written and every interview he has given. I’ve condensed that knowledge down to the absolute 6 most important lessons ...