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rewrite this title How much do I need to retire and what will my pension be worth?

In this video, I talk you through the steps you need to follow to work out how much you need to retire, including going through your finances, calculating your state pension, using a pension calculator and working out your net retirement income. I also tell you what to do if your predicted retirement income is less than you'd hoped or you haven't already got a pension. Check out our full article below: 00:00 - How much do I need to retire? 00:53 - What is a good retirement income? 02:15 - Step 1 - Go through your finances 02:46 - Step 2 - Calculate your state pension 03:48 - Step 3 - Use our pension calculator 05:14 - Step 4 - Work out your net retirement income 06:18 - What if your predicted retirement income is less than you'd hoped? 07:17 - The next step if you've not already got a pension Pension calculator - Income tax calculator - Link where you can apply for state pension forecast - “What is a pension and how does it work?” video - #pensi...