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Borrowing From 401k To Live Completely Debt Free | Open Money

Most Americans carry some type of debt - in fact it is often stated that 77% of American households carry some form of debt. But what would it feel like to be completely debt free? If you are interested in participating in Open Money and sharing your financial journey - feel free to reach out to me at Thanks for watching @ErinTalksMoney I appreciate you! Disclaimer: Please note that this video is made for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as financial advice. Always make sure to do your own research. Looking for more money videos, I post new videos every week, subscribe to my channel: While you are here, why not check out some of my other videos: Saving 40% of my income: What's the right age to retire: Here's why I quit my job: What it looks like to be among Americas wealthiest: Here are some common budgeting mistakes: #openmoney #debtfree... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: 401k Plans REVEALED...