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Showing posts with the label howmuchwillhousepricesdropin2023

Who Will Be Hit The HARDEST? (UK House Price Crash 2023)

UK House Prices have been FALLING for 5 MONTHS and are already DOWN 5% from their peak! The big question is where do we go from here and who is going to see the BIGGEST house price crash overall? A UK house price crash will impact millions of people, but some will see larger house price falls than others. In previous housing market crashes, the size of the fall largely depended on the geographical location of the property. While this is likely to be true if house prices continue to fall in 2023, I think new build properties are going to experience larger price drops than comparable existing properties. This is largely due to the fact they were overpriced when they were sold. For more than a decade, new build properties have been sold at a premium (often in the region of 20%) largely due to the government backed Help to Buy equity loan scheme. In 2021, Help to Buy was used in over 60,000 new build purchases - that is over 25% of all new build sales in that year. This schem...