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Showing posts with the label howtaxaffectsinvestments

Guaranteed Lifetime Income of $50k Annually with 1 Million Retirement

When will you run out of money if you take £50,000 a year from a £1m pot, and how can you make it last longer? I demonstrate this using easy to understand cash flow modelling software. TIMESTAMPS: 0:00 Start 1:12 How Long Will £1m Last On £50k A Year? 3:30 Flexi-Access Drawdown vs Lump Sum Withdrawal 4:20 How You Can Make Money Last Longer In Retirement 6:35 Working Out How To Make Money Last For Life 🚀🚀 HOW TO MAKE MONEY LAST LONGER IN RETIREMENT 🚀🚀 If you want to know how to make money last longer in retirement, or you've asked 'when will my money run out?'... this is essential viewing for you. 🤔 👁👁 In this video I explain how to retire with 1 million pounds on £50,000 income for life in the most tax efficient way. 💸💸💸 I demonstrate: ✅ How inflation affects investments, and how you can increase your income every year without running out ...