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Showing posts with the label howtobuildwealth

Limits on Roth IRA Contributions and the Backdoor Roth IRA

Follow 👉 @austinwhaley_ for daily finance tips! Roth IRA’s can be a powerful account for retirement planning , but because they are so beneficial, they do come with some limitations. For 2023 you can contribute up to $6,500 ($7,500 if you are 50 years or older), and you can be disqualified from contributing if you make over $153k (if you’re single) and $228k (if you’re married). If you exceed these thresholds, be sure to check out the “back door Roth IRA”. This can allow you to still contribute up to the max contribution limit, despite having a higher income! Just be sure to consult with a financial advisor to properly execute this strategy!👍 Are you planning to max out your Roth IRA this year?… . . . . #rothira #taxfreeretirement #backdoorrothira #iralimits #taxfreewealth #taxfree #investingtips #moneytips #learntoinvest #investingforbeginners #investing #financialeducation #personalfinancetips #financialfreedom #buildingwealth #investmentstrat...

Warren Buffett's Top 6 Alternatives to Cash in 2023

In this captivating video, we delve into the world of investing and bring you the 6 assets that legendary investor Warren Buffett prefers over cash. Note that this video is purely for educational and entertainment purposes, and should not be considered as financial advice. Join us as we analyze information to uncover the secrets behind Buffett's investment strategy. From stocks and bonds to real estate and more, we explore the diverse range of assets that have made him one of the most successful investors of our time. Stay tuned, like and share this video with fellow investors, and let's unlock the wisdom of Warren Buffett together! These videos are intended for educational purposes only. No official financial advice is being given. Please always check with a licensed professional before making any investments or financial decisions. Your investments are your sole responsibility, and in these videos, we merely share my own opinions with no guarantee of gain or losse...

Achieve Optimal Retirement Savings through a Roth 401K: Boost Your Finances with #FurryHippoFinance #RetirementPlanning #Investing

In this video, I'm sharing how you can maximize your retirement savings with a Roth 401K. Roth 401Ks offer a great way to save for your retirement while also giving you the benefits of compound interest. Don't let your 401K money sit in a traditional IRA or 401k account - switch it to a Roth 401K and get the best of both worlds! With this retirement savings plan, you'll get the benefits of tax-free growth while also having the option to withdraw money tax-free when you need it. Let this video be your guide to maximizing your retirement savings! On Furry Hippo Finance we teach financial education, financial independence, how to budget, invest in yourself, sort of a financial literacy 101. Affiliate Links: Amazon Creator Setup: M1 Finance Link: #financialfreedom #financialliteracy #FurryHippoFinance *None of this is meant to be construed as investment advice, it's for entertainment purposes only. The links above include affiliate commission or ref...

The Art of Obtaining Interest-Free Loans

Here is exactly how, and why, I borrow money for free - and how I use this to Invest in Real Estate. Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan The Program I talk about: The YouTube Creator Academy: Learn EXACTLY how to grow an audience, rank videos on the front page of searches, build your brand, and turn that into another income source: $100 OFF WITH CODE 100OFF Get 2 Free Stocks on WeBull when you deposit $100 (Valued up to $1400): My ENTIRE Camera and Recording Equipment: My second channel: Now, first, I think it’s REALLY important to understand the nuances of “debt” and borrowing money - and make the distinction that not ALL debt should be placed in the category of automatically being “BAD.” If having debt doesn’t MAKE YOU MORE MONEY - then, I think it’s safe to say - it’s automatically BAD. But, on there other hand, if you DO use debt CORRECTLY, you’ll go on to one of the main reasons I like to borrow as much money as I can… Leverage. This is when you borrow ...

29-Year-Old Discloses Full $6 Million Investment Portfolio

Here is a breakdown of my entire investment portfolio, why I made each investment, and how I was able to build this up over 12 years - enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan The YouTube Creator Academy: Learn EXACTLY how to grow an audience, rank videos on the front page of searches, build your brand, and turn that into another income source: $100 OFF WITH CODE 100OFF Get 2 Free Stocks on WeBull when you deposit $100 (Valued up to $1000): My ENTIRE Camera and Recording Equipment: My second channel: For those who don’t watch the entire video: First: A single family rental property bought in 2012 This was purchased through several years of savings as a real estate agent, and purchased as a short sale near the bottom of the market Second: Another single family rental property bought in 2012 This was also bought with savings while working as a real estate agent. It needed minor renovations. Third: A triplex in the same area bought in 2012 This needed some work, bu...

Top 8 Profitable Investments to Consider Today

Get 30% OFF your first bag of coffee with Trade Coffee when you click here: - and these are the 6 best investments you can make in your 20s - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan LIMITED TIME: Get 2 FREE STOCKS ON WEBULL when you deposit $100 (Valued up to $1400): JOIN THE WEEKLY MENTORSHIP - THE NEW PODCAST: The YouTube Creator Academy: Learn EXACTLY how to get your first 1000 subscribers on YouTube, rank videos on the front page of searches, grow your following, and turn that into another income source: $100 OFF WITH CODE 100OFF My ENTIRE Camera and Recording Equipment: First: HIGH INTEREST SAVINGS ACCOUNT - A totally free, high yield savings account is really the FIRST building block you’ll need if you want to begin growing your money and making sound investments. One, make sure the bank has no minimum balance requirements Two, make sure they don’t charge you any monthly maintenance fees .Three, make sure they pay you above a 1% interest rate with no min...

Dave Ramsey Offers Insight on the Viability of Investing in Bonds #shorts #investing #bonds

Professional investment ideas every week: Get funding for real estate and businesses investments worldwide. Trade cryptocurrency, forex, indices, and commodities with up to 500x leverage. Must-have tool for all serious real estate investors. Build a 6-figure home business selling online courses. Disclaimer: **We sometimes use affiliate links in our content. This won't cost you anything but it helps us to offset the costs of paying our team. As always, though, you should remember to consider every piece of investment information you receive, here or elsewhere, not as a de facto recommendation, but as an idea for further consideration. .: SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL :. If you want to do great things you need to have a great environment. Create one by subbing and watching daily. Thank you for watching - I really appreciated it :) Cheers, Bernard Credits: Noah Kagan: Mark Tilbury: Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA: ... ( read more ) LE...

The Reason behind My Decision to Cancel Robinhood

Here are my thoughts on Meme Stock Investing on Reddit, and the reason why I'm cancelling my Robinhood account - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan GET YOUR FREE STOCK WORTH UP TO $70 ON PUBLIC & SEE MY STOCK TRADES - USE CODE GRAHAM: JOIN THE WEEKLY MENTORSHIP - THE NEW PODCAST: The YouTube Creator Academy: Learn EXACTLY how to get your first 1000 subscribers on YouTube, rank videos on the front page of searches, grow your following, and turn that into another income source: $100 OFF WITH CODE 100OFF FIRST: MEME STOCKS Today, it’s almost as though the traditional advice no longer applies, because the stocks which are doing the best…at least in the short term…have absolutely NOTHING to do with fundamentals, at all…but, instead…they’re based on a combination of sudden investor enthusiasm, short seller interest, and the potential…to make a LOT of money, VERY QUICKLY. But, critics of this say that….this isn’t investing...and they blame the surge of meme...

Investment Advice for Teenagers from a Millionaire

For anyone who wanted a video about how to invest as a teenager, or what to do when you turn 18 years old - here is that video, enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan Second Channel: The YouTube Creator Academy: Learn EXACTLY how to get your first 1000 subscribers on YouTube, rank videos on the front page of searches, grow your following, and turn that into another income source: $100 OFF WITH CODE 100OFF Get 2 Free Stocks on WeBull when you deposit $100 (Valued up to $1000): My ENTIRE Camera and Recording Equipment: FIRST: GET A CREDIT CARD Doing this is VERY easy - as a first credit card, I highly recommend The Discover It Secured Card. All you need to do is put down a small deposit, and they will give you a credit card with a limit equal to that amount. To build your credit, all you need to do is put a minimal amount on the credit card each month, then pay it off in full to avoid paying any interest. It’s as simple as that, the entire process should take you ...

Unveiling the Path to Wealth: Insights from a Finance Professor on Navigating the 2023 Recession

This is how to profit from a recession. Get rich while others hide. The volatile stock market is hard to navigate with the proper investing strategy in 2023. Here is how I'm investing in 2023 to build wealth and where I'm parking my cash while I allocate funds to specific ETFs at the perfect time. Investing for beginners in 2023 #recession2023 #etfinvesting #howtoinvestinstocks Join the Patreon Group for EXCLUSIVE content: Live stock purchases, live Q&A exclusive ZOOM for members only, and a very strong investing community to network with so we can all reach FINANCIAL FREEDOM FASTER! Other Videos You'll Enjoy! 💰3 ETFS THAT MAKE YOU RIDICULOUSLY RICH: 💰 Best Order to Invest Your Money in 2023: 💰If I Started Investing Today (From $0), THIS IS WHAT I'D DO: 💰SCHD - BEST DIVIDEND ETF: 💰 SAVE MORE MONEY (better than a budget): 💰 My Entire $400,000 Investment Portfolio: &#x...

Dave Ramsey Explains: Comparing Bonds and Stocks - Which Is the Superior Investment? #shorts #investing #stocks #bonds

Professional investment ideas every week: Get funding for real estate and businesses investments worldwide. Trade cryptocurrency, forex, indices, and commodities with up to 500x leverage. Must-have tool for all serious real estate investors. Build a 6-figure home business selling online courses. Disclaimer: **We sometimes use affiliate links in our content. This won't cost you anything but it helps us to offset the costs of paying our team. As always, though, you should remember to consider every piece of investment information you receive, here or elsewhere, not as a de facto recommendation, but as an idea for further consideration. .: SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL :. If you want to do great things you need to have a great environment. Create one by subbing and watching daily. Thank you for watching - I really appreciated it :) Cheers, Bernard Credits: Noah Kagan: Mark Tilbury: Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA: ... ( read more ) LEARN ...

Diversify and Enhance Your IRA with a Gold IRA: A Comprehensive Guide

Gold IRA Rollover Free Kit Here ► visit us here : Click (above) or Call: 1-888-981-7121 The future strength of the US dollar is EXTREMELY concerning. GOLD IRA REVIEW: What to look for in finding the best precious metals companies to transfer your existing IRA or 401k to gold IRA rollover and what to stay far away from. I'll also share with you the best company I've found to handle my investment after doing extensive gold IRA reviews. Many of us are concerned about having enough income for our retirement. Even if we have top rated mutual fund or retirement account , we all remember the recent major losses suffered by many in the financial markets. Are stocks and bonds the only options for an IRA account? The answer is no. The government does allow IRAs that are backed by precious metals The most stable of which is gold. If your current IRA is not based on hard assets such a gold and/or silver, there are some solid reasons for looking into doing a 401k to...

Top 5 Index Funds for Wealth Accumulation

Here is my review of my TOP 5 INDEX FUNDS that you can invest in that will make you the MOST amount of money as possible long term, and exactly how much they cost - Enjoy! Add me on Instagram: GPStephan LIMITED TIME: Get 1 FREE STOCK Worth Between $8-$1600 on WeBull when you deposit $100: JOIN THE WEEKLY MENTORSHIP - THE NEW PODCAST: The YouTube Creator Academy: Learn EXACTLY how to get your first 1000 subscribers on YouTube, rank videos on the front page of searches, grow your following, and turn that into another income source: $100 OFF WITH CODE 100OFF My ENTIRE Camera and Recording Equipment: #5: VFIAX Vanguard Fund SP500 Fund Cost: 0.04% Expense Ratio Minimum: $3000 Investment Alternative ETF: VOO - 0.03% Expense Ratio This is a Vanguard Index Fund that follows the SP500, which is the top 500 publicly traded companies in the United States. Buying this ONE index fund is basically the equivalent of buying all 500 of the largest companies in the US, and you’l...