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A Comprehensive Guide: Purchasing Treasury Bills on Vanguard

In this video, I'll show you how to invest in T Bills through Vanguard. I covered the basics of T Bills investing and explain how this investment strategy works in my previous video on how to make money using T bills - If you're looking to invest in T Bills through Vanguard, then this video is for you! I'll show you step-by-step how to invest in T Bills through Vanguard and help you to reach your financial goals in this rising rate environment. To learn about the 8 most important things to know about T bills watch - Videos that will help you! 💥 8 Things to know about T-Bills: 💥 CDs vs T-bills: 💥 Buying T-bills through Vanguard: 💥 Buying T-Bills through Fidelity: 💥 How to make money with T-bills: 💥 How to build an emergency fund from scratch: 💥 How to manage your money: 💥 Various investment options and risks: 💥 Retirement options: &#x1...