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Showing posts with the label howtocalculateretirement

Preparing for Retirement: Calculating Your Future Financial Needs - Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast 431

How much will money will you need in retirement, adjusted for inflation? Today on Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast 431, Joe Anderson, CFP® and Big Al Clopine, CPA spitball on your future dollars, how to calculate the tax on Roth conversions, and the benefits of converting to Roth in down markets. Plus, should retirement savings contributions be half pre-tax and half post-tax? And finally, saving to a 529 plan for your kids, or sending them to Hollywood stunt training camp - which would you do!? 00:00 - Intro 00:49 - How Much Will I Need to Retire in Future (Inflated) Dollars? (Jared, Clifton Park, NY) 05:51 - Can We Retire Early With $400K Savings and $80K Pensions? That Depends on the Inflation Factor (Marcus, Queens, NYC - from episode 373) 14:36 - Big Al’s Quick Retirement Calculator - download: 15:22 - How to Calculate Tax on Roth Conversions & the Benefits of Converting in Down Markets (Robin) 20:00 - Should I Save Half Pre-Tax and Half-Post Tax for Retirement? (...