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Showing posts with the label howtochooseinvestmentsfidelity

My Comprehensive IRA and Roth IRA Portfolio Unveiled: Plus Insider Tips on Choosing Investments for Your IRA

In this video, I will go over what is an IRA and how it works, I’ll show you how to pick investments for your IRA, and I’ll reveal what I am investing in my IRA accounts. Hopefully with this understanding, you will get an idea on how to invest and build wealth and retire with enough money to travel the world, pursue your passion, or just hang out on the beach everyday. IRA stands for Individual retirement account and is a tax-advantaged account that individuals (like you and me) use to save and invest for retirement. There are 4 types of IRAs, but in today’s video I will only focus on Traditional and Roth IRA. These investments, if invested properly, will grow tax free over time, allowing individuals to withdraw the money to use by the time they are 59 and a half years old. Here are 8 key things to know about the IRA: There are two major types of IRA: Traditional and Roth IRA. Traditional IRA is investing with your pre-tax money. Hence, this lowers your total taxable ...