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Showing posts with the label howtoinvestforretirementinyour50s

Understanding the Importance of an IRA

Hey Youtube Family, Welcome back to another video! So today we will be discussing what exactly an IRA is? An individual retirement account (IRA) is a tax-advantaged investing tool that individuals use to earmark funds for retirement savings. The original idea for the IRA was initiated in 1974 and was only allowed to be opened strictly through financial institutions. It also was not deductible and limited to an annual contribution limit of 1500 dollars. Despite these limitations, the IRA was very popular garnering over 1.5 billion in investments in its very first year in existence, tripling that number to 5 billion dollars in investments by 1981. Today, that number has hit the 10s of Trillions with approximately 1/3 of American households holding an IRA. I hope this video was super helpful to you. If so definitely SMASH THE LIKE BUTTON, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE for weekly content like this. Also, if you have any suggestions or you appreciate some of the edits that I have ma...