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Unveiling the Total Value of My $30,000 Roth IRA Stock Portfolio: Exploring My Investment Strategy & Roth IRA Growth

SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL! The Solomon Portfolio  My Glasses are from Firmoo (use code: Adrienne702 for 50% off your first pair) Instagram: @adrienneinvests Twitter: @adrienneinvests --------------------------------------- In this video, I'll be revealing with you my entire $30,000 Roth IRA stock portfolio. This includes every stock and fund that I'm invested in. As well as the history of when I first started investing in my Roth IRA, my Roth IRA/retirement investment strategy, and how much my investments have grown vs how much I originally invested in these accounts. // WHAT TO WATCH NEXT: My Entire $100k Stock Portfolio How to Save for Retirement How to Buy a Stock on Fidelity Financial Order of Operations How I Started Investing --------------------------------------- // MY FAVORITE BOOKS ON INVESTING & PERSONAL FINANCE: The Solomon Portfolio (Proper asset allocation according to the Bible) Rich Dad Poor Dad (Manage money like the rich) // MY FILMI...