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Showing posts with the label howtonegotiateyoursalary

Your Salary Negotiation Financial Checklist | FREE Download

Join career and leadership coach and award-winning author Andrew LaCivita for today's video on your salary negotiation financial checklist! Inside, you'll get the details on 23 compensation items you must consider before you negotiate your salary after your new job offer. This also works if you are negotiating your pay increase! 0:00:00 Welcome + Understand these parts of your compensation: 0:04:10 1. Know what you earn, date of raise and $. When do anticipate next raise? expected $? 0:07:25 2. Bonus Target + Term: Date of last bonus, $, on target? next bonus date? expected $? 0:10:06 3. Stock + Similar: What is the vesting schedule? Projected value? 0:13:46 4. 401K + Profit Share: Allocations and Distributions 0:16:08 5. Allowances: Car, Phone 0:17:54 6. Non-Quant Perks: Flexibility, WFM, 0:19:01 7. Penalties & Repayments 0:21:09 8. Other Perks 0:22:52 Recap -------------------- 💵 FREE FINANCIAL WORTH CHECKLIST -------------------- Take this free ...