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Showing posts with the label howtostartretirementinvestinginrealestate

Exploring the Advantages of Self-Directed IRAs

Self Directed IRAs Welcome back to Cash-in with Cassian, the financial forum for young professionals. Today we’re going to look at a retirement savings option that you may not have heard of, a Self-Directed IRA or SDIRA. Self-Directed IRAs allow types of investment that regular IRAs do not, which makes them appealing to people who prefer to invest in more than just traditional financial instruments. TIMESTAMP 00:00 - Introduction to self-directed IRAs 00:42 - The basic rules of Self Directed IRA 02:06 - Steps in creating an IRA 03:43 - Basic rule of thumb 04:55 - Types of business structures that can qualify for investment =================== ★RESOURCES★ =================== ★Become A RINO Today!★: Join the financial literacy ecosystem of the future by joining a community of hard-charging investors, business owners, savers, and team players. ★Increase Your Financial IQ★: Entrepreneurial Personal Finance - Real Estate Investing - Secure Your Securities - Start A ...