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Showing posts with the label howtotakemoneyoutof401k

How to Avoid the 10% Penalty When Withdrawing from a Roth IRA.

In this video, we’re covering what you need to know before you cash out your Roth IRA or take out a good sized chunk of cash from it – and what you need to know to avoid paying the 10% penalty for early withdrawal. ➡️ Must-watch video: Should I STOP Funding My Retirement? ✅ SUBSCRIBE to NOT being a transaction ever again... ✅ Like us on Facebook! ✅ Check out our site for more tips The rules allowing a Roth IRA to be 100% tax-free and penalty-free are firm: Hold the account for more than 5 years and be age 59 ½ or older. Now, if you’re under 59 ½ and you want to withdraw ALL or SOME of the money from your Roth – how much you have to fork over to the government for early withdrawal is determined by how long you’ve held the account. And that amount is 5 years. If you have had your Roth IRA for under 5 years and you are under 59 ½, you will be penalized 10% by the IRS. Remember, your contributions are always free from taxes since ...