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Showing posts with the label howtouse401ktobuyahouse

Utilizing a 401K for House Purchase: A Guide for 2023

How to use a 401K to BUY a house 🏡 [2022] - Are you in the market to buy your first home or maybe buy your first investment property and are looking for creative ways to come up with a down payment? In today's video, I tackle the benefits of how and who should leverage their 401K retirement plan to put towards a down payment to purchase or invest in real estate. You don't have to be interested in only buying a home as a primary residence, it could be to obtain your first real estate investment property. There's many upsides you will learn in this video and the biggest benefits of the 401K plan. Here are some you'll find: Avoiding costly and pricey mortgage insurance premiums that are usually associated with the FHA loan or most other type loans that do not fall under the conventional financing. Conventional financing is usually anywhere from 15% down or more, and of course every situation is different depending on the lending institutio...