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Protecting Your Wealth against Countries with the Highest Inflation Rates

Highest inflation by country: let's discover the countries with the highest inflation rates in history, and what you can do to protect your assets from inflation In this post we will analyze some of the highest inflation rates by country in history, and the reasons behind it. Hyperinflation is often the result of government inefficiency when determining its monetary policies. It is not that uncommon, and has happened multiple times during the past one hundred years. 00:37 What is inflation? Before we list the countries with the highest inflation in history, let's understand what is inflation, and what causes it. In economics, inflation is when prices rise and the value of currency decreases over a period of time.  Usually, inflation is neither high nor harmful. In fact, a small, controlled inflation might even be good for the overall economy. However, a number of reasons can push a stable economy into a two digit yearly inflation, and in some extreme cases, into ...