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Showing posts with the label ibondfixedrate

What is the Best Approach for I-Bonds in May 2023: Redeem and Buy More, Buy More, or Just Redeem?

4.30% annualized - including a surprise higher-than-expected 0.90% fixed rate. What does this mean for both short-term & long-term I-Bond investors? THAT’s what I’ll be covering in today’s video: 1. How this new annualized I-Bond rate of 4.30% is calculated 2. What your new rate will be depending on when you bought your I-Bonds 3. A quick recap of when I would redeem if I were a short-term I-Bond investor 4. How the higher-than-expected fixed rate changes our 2023 I-Bond plan as long-term I-Bond investors & 5. Who might consider redeeming 0% fixed rate I-Bonds to grab this new fixed rate WATCH NEXT ⭐ How I-Bond Interest Works: ⭐ Redeeming I-Bonds In 2023: ⭐ I-Bond Gifting 101: ⭐ I-Bonds vs TIPS 2023: SOURCES: 👉 Subscribe for all things inflation, Treasury bills, I-Bonds, investing & retirement! #jenniferlammer #bonds #fixedincomeinvesting ________ DISCLAIMER EVERYONE'S FINANCIAL JOURNEY IS DIFFERENT. YOUR PERSONAL FINANCI...