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Showing posts with the label ibondsvsstocks

Is Investing in I Bonds the Ideal Method to Keep Up with Inflation?

How can you set yourself up to pace inflation? I Bonds, and treasury bonds in general, have always been thought of as the “retiree's investment choice.” For those that have a short time horizon on investments, bonds have made perfect sense. With a guaranteed return, there isn’t a lot to risk for someone close to retirement age who simply wants to watch their investments stabilize—not grow or decline. And in today’s high-inflation environment, more and more individuals are realizing how worthwhile bonds are, especially as their traditional assets start to nosedive. Neither Mindy nor Scott have heavy allocations in the bond market, so to understand these interesting assets a bit more they invited Shane Shepherd, Assistant Professor at USC’s School of Business, to the show. Shane has seen a recent pique in interest from his students in a few certain subjects—inflation, rising interest rates, and bonds. It seems like even the young generation of investors want to safely st...

What To Do With Your Tax Refund During The Inflation Crisis (I BONDS vs ROTH IRA)

What to do with your tax refund during the inflation crisis - I Bonds vs Roth IRA, I Bonds vs stocks or something else all together? If you’re expecting a tax refund this tax refund 2022 season and wondering what to do with your tax money - and in particular what to do during inflation with your tax return money - then you’ll want to know what our top seven tax refund tips are for 2022. Figure out what to prioritize - is it your Roth IRA, HSA (health savings account explained), bonds investments like ibonds, paying off debt or emergency savings? We’ll also talk about how to buy I bonds with tax refund money, form 8888 and when buying ibonds in 2022 makes sense on this list of top 2022 tax refund tips! WATCH NEXT ⭐ 2022 November I-Bond Rate Prediction: ⭐ How To Buy An I Bond (step-by-step tutorial) via TreasuryDirect: ⭐ How Is I-Bond Interest Formula Calculated & When Does It Show Up In Your Account: ⭐ How To Buy More/ Gift I Bonds (For ...