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Showing posts with the label incomefromsalaryretirementbenefitprovision

"Earnings for an Assistant Professor - Including Leave Salary, PF, Retirement Pension, Income Tax, UGC NET, and RPSC."

###Income under head salaries in Income Tax Act 1961 all concept example and problems for UGC NET exam RPSC assistant professor CA BCom CS MCA CMA BBA MBA and other commerce courses. By-RES Mithlesh mam. Topic coverd:- Income under the head salaries Topic -1( If there exist Employer and Employee relationship) Relationship of master and servant #Not a principal -agent Relationship #Special cases #case-1 Paper setter/Invigilator #case-2 Salary Received by MLA & MP #case-3 Remuneration Received by Judges #Cade-4 Fees received by Advocate General #case-5 Pay and allowance to chief minister #Basic of charge of salary (section 15) #Examples:- Find total taxable salary for2023-24 #Fixed pay scale/ Graded pay scale #Taxability of Allowance #House Rent Allowance #House Rent Allowance # #Questions of House Rent Allowance #Rest of Allowance #Fully Taxable # Partly taxable Allowance catagory -1 #partly taxable Allowance category -2 #Wholly Exempt Allowance # New amendment...