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Showing posts with the label incomelimitsofrothira

Limits on Roth IRA Contributions and the Backdoor Roth IRA

Follow 👉 @austinwhaley_ for daily finance tips! Roth IRA’s can be a powerful account for retirement planning , but because they are so beneficial, they do come with some limitations. For 2023 you can contribute up to $6,500 ($7,500 if you are 50 years or older), and you can be disqualified from contributing if you make over $153k (if you’re single) and $228k (if you’re married). If you exceed these thresholds, be sure to check out the “back door Roth IRA”. This can allow you to still contribute up to the max contribution limit, despite having a higher income! Just be sure to consult with a financial advisor to properly execute this strategy!👍 Are you planning to max out your Roth IRA this year?… . . . . #rothira #taxfreeretirement #backdoorrothira #iralimits #taxfreewealth #taxfree #investingtips #moneytips #learntoinvest #investingforbeginners #investing #financialeducation #personalfinancetips #financialfreedom #buildingwealth #investmentstrat...