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Showing posts with the label indexmutualfunds

I MAXED OUT my Roth IRA with my Robinhood Profits! Retirement 2020 Checked

Super happy to have maxed out my first retirement account . Using Fidelity, I was able to put 6,000 dollars into my individual retirement account (Roth IRA). Watch the video to see which mutual funds are my top picks! Also, My Robinhood portfolio has reset. Is my to start again with sharper moves and strong stocks. How's your retirement going? Hire Me - Join our private community over at Patreon: we talk about high-growth stocks that could take your portfolio to new levels. I have exclusive materials, real-time stock/crypto trades, and investing portfolios. If you want to have a 1-on-1 person to help you, then this is a must for any serious investor. I'll always answer your questions. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE: Join Robinhood and GET a FREE STOCK! Join Webull and GET 2 FREE STOCKS! Instagram: Twitter: Official Facebook Group: Donate and Support on PayPal: 🤩 #RothIra #Robinhood #Investing New Videos Every Week Thanks for watching I MAXED OUT my Roth I...