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Showing posts with the label indextspstrategy

Reviewing TSP Strategy: How to Optimize Your Investment Plan

What are tsp strategies – What is a tsp strategy? 1-800-566-1002 . What are the best types of tsp strategies for retirement and learn how you can avoid the most common mistakes that individuals have made when looking to set up a tsp strategy. New Guidelines on Accessing Your TSP Money Loans - Anyone who is actively employed that has a vested balance in the TSP may use TSP 20 to request a general purpose loan or a loan for the purpose of a residence. The amounts you can take, the repayment schedule, and consequences for nonpayment on the loan should be checked with TSP so you understand. However it is an option to you which provides flexibility, and perhaps the opportunity to avoid much higher interest debt or a financial emergency. Hardship Withdrawals - While working, but prior to age 59.5 it is also possible to access funds if it can be documented that there is a financial hardship. This type of withdrawal does not prevent the 10% penalty, or other taxes, it simply a...