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Latest Update: Recession Hits 20 Countries, Including India, Reveals Frontlinesmedia (FLM)

Watch: 20 Countries in Recession | Latest Recession Update | Recession in India ? | Frontlinesmedia | FLM #RecessionUpdate #20CountriesInRecession #FLM For More Updates Follow @FrontLinesMedia Frontlines media Instagram: Frontlinesmedia Facebook: Krishna Talkz: ... ( read more ) BREAKING: Recession News LEARN MORE ABOUT: Bank Failures REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation HOW TO INVEST IN GOLD: Gold IRA Investing Title: 20 Countries Facing Recession: Latest Recession Update and the Case of India Introduction As the global economy battles the dire consequences of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, numerous countries find themselves in the grips of a recession. The impact of the pandemic, coupled with pre-existing economic challenges, has pushed many nations into an economic downturn. This article provides an overview of the 20 countries currently experiencing recessions and sheds light on the specific situation in India. Global Recession: A S...