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Showing posts with the label inflationaffectonafixedincome

How to protect your retirement savings from inflation? Protect Your Retirement

To Learn More About How to protect your retirement savings, read: In today's video, we will discuss how you can protect your retirement savings from inflation. Doing this will ensure that your money will last for a long time, no matter what happens in the world economy. We'll speak with our expert, Ms. Shelby, a financial planner and certified public accountant. She will discuss different strategies you can use to protect your money and ensure that it grows over time. So if you're worried about the future of your finances, watch this video and find out some great ideas on how to safeguard yourself! Inflation is a general rise in prices across the board, including those for goods and services people use to live their lives. As such, it's important to understand how inflation affects retirement savings because it can greatly impact how much money you can draw down from your 401(k) or another retirement account when you retire. In this video, we'll discu...