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Showing posts with the label inflationexplained2021

Investing during high inflation | Inflation explained 2021

Inflation is known as the the 'silent killer' because it hits us where it hurts the most. But there is a way of investing during high inflation. This video will have inflation explained for 2021 and I will share with you what to do when inflation in high. Here is what to expect: ► What is inflation? ► Why inflation matters? and what it means for us? ► Why inflation is high right now? is inflation coming in 2021? ► How inflation impact the economy ► Stock market during inflation ► What the central banks such as Fed and Jerome Powell thinks about inflation ► Is inflation going to be transitory? 3 reasons why it will be ► Should I worry about inflation? ► What stocks and assets to avoid during high inflation ► What are real assets? ► Why buy property when inflation in high ► How to profit from commodity inflation ► How inflation impact the bond market ► 3 important things you can do to survive high inflation period ...and alot more exciting and useful information a...