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Showing posts with the label inplanconversion

Your Money, Your Wealth Podcast 423: Managing Excess Funds in Your Traditional IRA

How can you reduce taxes, IRMAA, net investment income tax, and required minimum distributions when you’ve got too much money in your tax-deferred retirement account (traditional IRA) - and just how much Roth conversion should you do? That’s today on Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast 423 with Joe Anderson, CFP® and Big Al Clopine, CPA. Plus, can you contribute to a Roth by transferring stocks “in kind”? If the check you send off to pay your estimated taxes isn’t cashed before the deadline is it late? How does SECURE 2.0 impact 529 plans, and is 529 better than Roth IRA for college savings? Finally, the fellas spitball a 401(k) in-plan Roth conversion and retirement account consolidation strategy. Podcast show notes, free financial resources, episode transcript: 00:00 - Intro 00:48 - We Have Too Much in Traditional IRA. How's Our Roth Conversion Plan? (Kelly, Idaho) 10:17 - Download the Tax Takedown Guide: Watch YMYW TV: Tax Takedown: 10:54 - Can I Make a Roth IRA Con...

Take Advantage of the Mega Backdoor Roth Conversion

If you are a married household that makes about $200k, or about $140k for single filers, doing something called a "Mega backdoor roth conversion" is a great way to get more into your Roth savings. How to qualify for a Mega Backdoor Roth First, you have to participate in a 401k plan at work. That plan must allow something special called after-tax contributions, which are contributions in excess of the $19,500 annual limit (for 2021). If your plan allows this, you may be able to do mega backdoor roth conversion, which involves making these after-tax contributions and then converting them to a Roth 401k or Roth IRA while paying no additional taxes. What to Know About Mega Backdoor Roths There are a couple caveats though. First, this is a lot of money. You can contribute up to about $30,000 this year in after-tax contributions. But you need to calculate the amount to ensure you don’t over contribute, and ensure you take the right steps because this is a multi-step...