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Showing posts with the label investingstrategy2021

My 2021 Stock Investment Strategy for Incomes less than $125,000 [401k, 403b, 457b, IRA, HSA]

Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 0:30 Strategy 1: Contributing up to Company's Match 3:02 Strategy 2: Maximizing Roth IRA 4:00 Strategy 3: Maximizing HSA 4:56 Strategy 4: Maximizing 401k, 403b, 457b -- My strategy for 2021 is actually very common and widely discussed on multiple personal finance forums! For incomes less than $125,000 for single filers, the Roth IRA works best for me. And that’s just because I know my long-term goals are to build more income streams and to definitely retire in a hire tax bracket. If this is something different for your (you’re aiming for lean FIRE or Barista FIRE, the traditional IRA may be better for you, but we’ll talk about that in the future). But here it is: Contribute to a 457b/401k/403b up to the match Max out your Roth Max out your HSA if you qualify Max out your 457b and 401k/403b (you can contribute to both and deduct up to $38,000) Invest in a taxable account Want to know why? Hit play up top! Remember, this is my stra...