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Showing posts with the label irmaaplanning

Is a MEGA Roth Conversion a Wise Choice for Roth Conversion Optimization?

Are you planning on converting all of your IRA assets in one MEGA Conversion or do you plan to spread out your tax liability and optimize over a longer period of time? You can schedule an appointment with one of our Retirement Experts to look at your situation and help you plan for your future. Call us at (920) 544-0576 or go to It's no secret that the retirement tax system is quite complex. Between various tax hike zones like the Social Security Tax Torpedo and Capital Gain Bump Zones to penalties like IRMAA, navigating taxes in retirement is difficult. Given this, many retirees wonder if they should simply perform all of their Roth Conversions at once, doing a massive Roth Conversion. And this will be the simplest method, but is it the most optimal? In this video, we compare a large, one-time Roth Conversion vs. spreading that Roth Conversion schedule out. #RothConversion #OptimizeTaxes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Always remember, "You Don...