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Showing posts with the label jeffrose

Roth IRA for Children - Empowering Your Kids towards Financial Success

What is the easiest, greatest way to set your kids up to be a millionaire Today I am answering a question that I have received many times, in many different ways. This discussion is specifically for parents who want to set up a Roth IRA for their children. 🔎 RESOURCES MENTIONED 👇 🖥️ ✅ Roth IRA Success Story – How to Get $50,000 Tax-Free Money For Your Kids 🖥️ ✅ Roth IRA Rules For Minors. Your Kids Guide to Tax Free Money 🖥️ ✅ 5 Best Investments for Roth IRA in 2023 🖥️ 🖥️ 🔖CHAPTERS 👇 00:00 Intro 02:20 Why is this such a great gift? 04:25 Roth IRA Rules (for kids) 06:35 How do you set up a Roth IRA for kids? 09:06 Who owns the custodial account? 11:48 How does the IRA affect college funding? 12:32 Can multiple children share one Roth IRA account? 13:20 Not every brokerage offers custodial Roth IRAs ★☆★Buy Crypto Here★☆★ 💶...

Top 3 Places for Beginners to Open a Roth IRA

I noticed that one of the retirements accounts I recommend the most, a Roth ira, that I’ve never made a step by step video on how to open one and where to go to open. 💲1 on 1 Talk + My Budget + Stock Investments💲 💰M1 FINANCE $10💰 MY PORTFOLIO Link: 1. Apps that I like and why - Now these are 3 apps that I recommend just in case you want to have multiple options - But theirs really only one that I would use Options: All of these options have fractional shares, that way you don’t need to have a ton of money M1 Finance: Dynamic rebalancing, Easy to use, and a lot of investments options ( can start with 10%) Fidelity and Schwab: also solid options with great reputations Tip: Notice that I didn’t recommend vanguard, because I strongly believe they are one of the best, but not having fractional shares, hold it back from more investors. 2. You still have to pick investments ( Ramit story) - Theirs a very crazy story...

Should You Rollover Your $1 Million Pension Into an IRA? (Ask the CFP®)

What if you were faced with this difficult decision - You can either get a payout for the rest of your life or you can get a big fat check once? Don’t worry, you don’t have to make this decision alone, that is what I am here for! I received this question from a reader, Jared: ‘I have worked with my company for over 27 years this Spring. I am one of the lucky ones that have been given a very generous pension and a 401k plan .’ …. ‘My pension should be more than enough to take care of my wife and I. I am almost 60 and I have the option to roll my pension over into an IRA.’ ‘Should I roll my pension to an IRA or leave as is?’ 🔎 RESOURCES MENTIONED 👇 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation: CFP Board: Should You Roll Over Your Pension into an IRA? #pension #rollover 🔖CHAPTERS 👇 00:00 Intro 04:28 IRA rollover options 06:54 Annuitizing your pension 08:01 Borrowing against an IRA 09:08 Pension payout options 10:51 Tax...

The $2.62 Million Roth IRA [Only $100 To Start]

What if you could turn $100 into $2.62 Million? What if I told you it was TAX FREE Money??? It’s crazy, it’s awesome, and I’m going to tell you how you can do it. 00:00 Intro 01:20 💞 I love me some Roth IRA! 💞 Two Reasons I LOVE the Roth IRA…. 02:19 No Taxes! 🙅 03:12 You’re in Control. 🎛️ Here are some Fun Facts (and answers to your most important questions!) 05:49 🚰 How Much Can You Put In? 08:08 Roth IRA Facts 14:40 Phaseout Limits 👛 19:36 💰 Take Your Money! 25:34 How Much Will You Make? 💵 34:22 🏁 Where Do I Start? Check out these Roth IRA resources on my blog,, if you are ready to get started: Best Roth IRA accounts: Roth IRA Rules: #rothira #rothirarules #taxfreemoney ★☆★Time to Invest!★☆★ 📊Build Custom Portfolios at M1 Finance: 🎯Get Free Stock w/ WeBull: 🏠Invest in Real Es...