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Showing posts with the label jobchange

Will Changing Jobs Blow Up My Backdoor Roth Strategy? | YMYW Podcast

"Seeing as this is the Backdoor Roth Show, I thought I'd just ask you my question instead of doing my own research... If I were to do a Backdoor Roth conversion early in the year then change jobs later in the year and roll my pre-tax 401K into a traditional Roth, would this blowup the backdoor from a tax perspective given it's all in the same tax year, or do balances (or lack of tax-deferred IRA balances) at the time of the conversion matter? Thanks for your answer and this great show. Keep it up! Jarrod, Houston, TX" Listen to the entire Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast: Download the Complete Roth Papers Package, including the Ultimate Guide to Roth IRAs, the 5 Year Rules for Roth IRA Withdrawals, and the Roth IRA Basics Guide: Pure Financial Advisors, LLC is a fee-only Registered Investment Advisor providing comprehensive retirement planning services and tax-optimized investment management to thousands of people across the nation. Schedule a free ...