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Showing posts with the label johnsisland

Retirement Roadmap: Understanding Annuities (Part 1 of 5) - Ep0601, 2021

⏰ 15-MINUTE NO COST, NO HASSLE, NO-OBLIGATION CONSULTATION Request Your 3-Step Review Series Overview: In volatile, uncertain times, annuities are a financial tool that can add some stability. They can serve as a financial protection and a form of insurance. There are different types and styles, that have different purposes but, a couple things annuities do particularly well (because it is what they are designed to do) is 1) they can protect principal 2) they can protect income 3) they can provide (measured) growth. The specific goals you have for your money would determine which type of annuity you may want to consider. Many savers and investors have a common questions, “What should I be doing with my money?” The answer to this comes in the form of thinking through and defining your answer to another question, “What do you want your money to do for you?” Those have ALWAYS been the questions that we have tried to help clients and podcast viewers/listen...