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The gifted youth travels through a millennium to save his companions, meets the demon king, and obtains a heavenly artifact, wielding the divine sword to begin his counterattack! | EP01-13 Full Set 👉Chronicles of the Multiverse: Thousands of Worlds.

訂閱並打開 圖標,永遠不會錯過新視頻 🥳众人看不起的吃货小子,最后竟领悟绝世剑意🥳 剧情介绍:【诸天纪 Thousands of worlds】传说每当黑渊现世,就会有一场天道大劫毁灭诸天万界,重启宇宙。少年林飞因筋脉缺陷无法修行,靠着小聪明在问剑宗混吃等死,直到大劫来临,恩师与挚友战死在黑渊才为虚度光阴而追悔莫及。他历经险阻另辟蹊径,习得上古炼器法为师门报仇,与魔头渊皇同归于尽。岂料因为神秘力量的干涉,他又在重启的新纪元中重生。为守护从大劫中被神秘人传承下来的问剑宗,为了相同的惨剧不再上演,林飞决心从一名边缘弟子做起,修万剑之道,集群英之力,破天道大劫,续文明火种 ❤欢迎订阅 丸子动漫社: #优酷动漫 #動漫#诸天纪 #Thousandsofworlds#熱血 #帥氣 #玄幻 #漫畫 #愛情 #国漫#热播动漫#2022最火动漫#2022必看动漫#漫改#动态漫画#热血#修仙#恋爱#魔幻#搞笑#Comedy#Xuanhuan#Romance#Wuxia#Xianxia#chineseanime#2023最火动漫#2023必看动漫... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts TRANSFER IRA TO GOLD: Gold IRA Account TRANSFER IRA TO SILVER: Silver IRA Account REVEALED: Best Gold Backed IRA The story of the genius boy who travels through time to save his companions and befriends the Demon King may sound like a classic tale, but in this particular version, the plot is taken to a whole new level of excitement and adventure. In "Thousand-Year Genius Boy: The Reversal," we follow the...