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Showing posts with the label leave

Leave Encashment & LPR Rules in Urdu | Leave Preparatory to Retirement #bestpensionadvisor

Leave Encashment and Leave Preparatory to Retirement (LPR) Rules in Urdu In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section-25 of the CII Servan!ls Act, 1973 (LXXI of 1993), read with Notification No, S.R.O.120(1)/ 1998, dated the 27lh February 1998, Ihe Prime minister has been pleased to direct that the following further amendments shall be made in the. Revised Loave Rules, 1980, namely. Encashment of leave preparatory to retirement (LPR) not exceeding three hundred and sixty flve days shall be effective from the first day of. July, 2012 and shall, for the entire period of leave, refused or opted for encashment, be applicable to a civil servant retired. ar, as tho case may be, retiring on or after the first day of July 2012, provlded· such leave is available at hls credit subject to a maximum of three hundred and sixty flve days. #LeaveEncashment #LeavePreparatoryToRetirementLPR #LeaveEncashmentAndLPRRulesInUrdu #LeaveEncashmentCalculation ...

E-Transfers ,Retirement, leave,Seniority list,PERs/ACRs will be online through HRMIS/SIS.

Good news for teachers working in government schools across Punjab. From now on all types of transfers, retirement, leave, seniority list, leave encashment and PERs / ACRs will be online through HRMIS / SIS. All teaching and non-teaching staff can submit their online ACRs from 15 November 2021. All types of Transfers,Retirement, leave,Seniority list,PERs/ACRs will be online through HRMIS/SIS All the Chief Executive Officers, District Education Authorities, Dated 12021 in the Punjab. MODULES UPLOADED ON SIS FOR IMPLEMENTATION IN LETTER AND SPRIT. Subject As you are well were that School Education Department has taken a number of IT intervention of facilitate the teaching & Non teaching staff of School Education Department. The new modules have been upgraded in the system. All the upgraded modules are reflected here under: SR. NO. MODULE DETAIL All kind of transfer of teaching staff as well as Posting on Promotion Retirement, Sanction leave encashment, G.P, Fu...