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Showing posts with the label leveragingselfdirectedinrealestate

Advantages of Self-Directed 401k over Self-Directed IRA

Confused about whether to choose a self-directed 401(k) or a self-directed IRA for your retirement investments? Let us shed light on this important decision! In this informative video, we'll compare and contrast the unique features of self-directed 401(k)s and self-directed IRAs, enabling you to make an informed choice. A self-directed 401(k) and a self-directed IRA both offer individuals the ability to take control of their retirement investments and diversify beyond traditional options. However, they differ in key aspects. Join us as we explore the distinctions between these powerful retirement savings vehicles. Furthermore, Rick discusses the advantages of a self-directed 401k vs a self-directed IRA. Some advantages are higher contribution levels, matching, and no income limitations. You can declare your personal contribution as a ROTH contribution. SD 401k allows you to directly or indirectly be apart of the real estate world. This is possible through non recourse ...