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Showing posts with the label liquidez

Improving Risk Management in Banks: Training for Growth, Enhanced Risk Culture, and Corporate Governance

Liquidity and market risk are commonly under estimated, given the current market conditions, it is a good idea to assess your asset exposure, capitalization Index, insured and uninsured deposits proportion, and so much more. Risk managers, this is your time to shine bright like a diamond 🔷 Conoce mĆ”s sobre nuestro Programa de Mejora Continua e ImplementaciĆ³n de Modelos de GestiĆ³n de Riesgos. 🔥Contacto: 👍🏼 Video completo en nuestro canal de Youtube 👉🏽Siguenos en nuestras redes sociales LinkedIn @Training2Grow. Twitter @Training2Grow Facebook @Training2GrowGRC Instagram @training2growgrc YouTube ‎@Training2Grow Servicios #Training2Grow #riskmanagement #riskassessment #corporategovernance #riskculture #SillyconValleyBank #creditsuisse #bankfailure #liquidity #marketrisk #gestionderiesgos #GobiernoCorporativo #culturaderiesgos #liquidez #riesgodemercado #consultoria #...