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Showing posts with the label liquiditycrisis

"Potential Financial Crisis Triggered by SVB Collapse and Fed Bailout in Banking Industry"

★ SEEKING ALPHA - News & Analysis (50% OFF) ★ ▶︎ TIMESTAMPS INTRO 0:00 SVB COLLAPSE EXPLAINED 1:12 POTENTIAL CONTAGION 5:26 GOVERNMENT BAILOUT 7:26 MORE BANKS FAIL 9:09 In 2008, the world experienced the worst financial crisis on record, with people losing confidence in the banking system and the institutions who held their money And in the end a $700 Billion government bailout was needed to prevent a complete collapse of the financial system The GFC was described as a once in a century event and likely the worst recession for decades So why, just 15 years later, are we seeing banks start to fail again? Is this the start of another financial crisis? Over the weekend, the US experienced its second largest banking failure in history With Silicon Valley Bank, the 16th largest US bank, collapsing over just 48 hours So With over 95% of it’s customer deposits uninsured Bill Ackman, and other prominent investors were concerned that there could be significant contagi...

"Potential Financial Crisis Triggered by SVB Collapse and Fed Bailout in Banking Industry"

★ SEEKING ALPHA - News & Analysis (50% OFF) ★ ▶︎ TIMESTAMPS INTRO 0:00 SVB COLLAPSE EXPLAINED 1:12 POTENTIAL CONTAGION 5:26 GOVERNMENT BAILOUT 7:26 MORE BANKS FAIL 9:09 In 2008, the world experienced the worst financial crisis on record, with people losing confidence in the banking system and the institutions who held their money And in the end a $700 Billion government bailout was needed to prevent a complete collapse of the financial system The GFC was described as a once in a century event and likely the worst recession for decades So why, just 15 years later, are we seeing banks start to fail again? Is this the start of another financial crisis? Over the weekend, the US experienced its second largest banking failure in history With Silicon Valley Bank, the 16th largest US bank, collapsing over just 48 hours So With over 95% of it’s customer deposits uninsured Bill Ackman, and other prominent investors were concerned that there could be significant contagi...