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Showing posts with the label litigation

Recent Developments in 403b Plan Litigation

Cases against 403(b) plans have been in the headlines since 2016 and will continue to be a story in 2019. Most recently, no new cases have been filed, but the NYU case, as well as others including Georgetown, University of Pennsylvania, Northwestern University and Washington University, remind us that a strong offense is the best defense. In each case, a prudent process and documentation assist the defendant plan sponsors in making their case against the plaintiff plan participants. This webinar can help you design your prudent process using lessons learned from these cases, and much more. During this webinar we cover: - A review of the current 403(b) litigation landscape - Case success - what’s working for plan sponsors, as well as what's not - Action steps for plan sponsors to design their strategy to meet their fiduciary responsibilities - ensuring a strong offense against any potential litigation... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: Retirement Planning RE...