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Showing posts with the label liveabundant

What Is Required Minimum Distribution?

What exactly is the required minimum distribution? It's what CNBC often suggests people pay when it comes to their IRAs and 401Ks. I will go against this piece of advice though in today's episode, and show you how doing the opposite can be more beneficial to you, so keep on watching! To your abundance! Doug Andrew Key Moments In This Episode ======================== 01:00 What to expect in today's video 02:23 Is deferring taxes the solution? 03:40 Pros and cons of qualified plans 04:20 What will happen if you don't withdraw at age 70 06:30 Looking at the required minimum 09:10 Strategic rollout Did you love this video? Want to learn more wealth and life empowerment lessons from Doug? Here are some next steps! ======================== How to Diversify and Create the Foundation for a Tax-Free Retirement How to Lead Your Family/Business from “ME” to “WE” Discover The 3 Tools For A Strategic And Predictable Retirement Learn more about Live Abundant her...