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Showing posts with the label luceliachou

Shorts: Top Places to Purchase Gold and Silver during Excessive Inflation

✅ I'll tell you where you could Invest in Gold and Silver to protect your money and diversify your investments. I will also tell you which is my favorite coin. If you are reading this, you belong to the 1% of people who read the description COMPLETELY. Comment this “🪙” emoji below if I see it in the comment section it will make me SO HAPPY! If you get to the end of the video I APPLAUD YOU because YOU DESERVE IT! Thanks for being part of our community! 🔗 LINKS MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO - American Gold Exchange 👉 800-613-9323 - JM Bullion 👉 - Money Metals 👉 🎥 VIDEOS COMPLEMENTING THIS ONE - Do This To Stop Your Money From Losing Value 👉 - The Most Effective Ways To Invest And Diversify Your Money 👉 ▶️ PLAYLIST COMPLEMENTING THIS ONE - Novarise Financial Education In Video #Shorts 👉 - Going From 0 to 24 Properties Playlist 👉 💰 ACCELE...

Get Money Out Of Your 401k To Invest

- Next recommended video: - Learn real estate for free: - Join our newsletter: - Our merchandise: - The team that created this video: Do you want to buy a house but do not have enough money saved? Have you thought about taking money out of your 401k retirement fund? This can be a risky decision, so make sure you watch this video first! I'm going to share tips for withdrawing money from your 401k to buy a house, which can help you decide if it's the right option for you. ⏰ TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Get Money Out Of Your 401k To Invest 🧐 GOT QUESTIONS? - Visit our website: 💡 CONNECT WITH US - Instagram: - Facebook: - TikTok: 📄 DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER: THIS VIDEO IS FOR INFORMATIONAL AND ILLUSTRATIONAL PURPOSES BASED ON THE INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCES OF THE PRESENTER. EVERY SITUATION IS DIFFERENT AND YOUR RESULTS MAY DIFFER. YOU SHOULD ANALYZE THE RISKS ACCORDINGLY BEFORE PROCEEDING TO TAKE ACTION #novariseinvest #money #investing #ret...

Who Is To Blame For Inflation? - The Truth

⚠️ The US economy is in trouble. Inflation is responsible. But who's to blame? Some say it's Joe Biden's fault, others say that's Donald Trump's fault or The Pandemic, The War Between Russia and Ukraine, or The Pause Of Exports And Imports In China. Some also say Jerome Powell's fault, the chairman of the Federal Reserve! And the US authorities say that inflation is the fault of consumers, but many economists say that it is the result of misguided economic policies. In this video, we will further discuss this topic. Hello NOVARISER, are you reading this? CONGRATULATIONS! Belongs to the 1% of people who read the description. Comment this emoji "🔥" if I see it in the comment section it will make me VERY HAPPY! If you get to the end of the video I APPLAUD YOU because YOU DESERVE IT! Thanks for being part of our community! 🔗 LINKS MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO - President Trump Inauguration Day 👉 - Trump Nominate...