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Showing posts with the label lumpsumvsmonthlypension

Deciding Between Lump-Sum or Monthly Pension: Finding the Best Fit for You

Increasingly, employees with pensions have a difficult choice: take their pension as a lump sum or monthly pension payments. Here's a pension calculator I mention in the video: ► Announcing THE RETIREMENT ADVENTURE CLUB! We've launched an online membership designed to help you plan for retirement and connect with others who are asking the same retirement questions you’re asking right now. The Club will feature access to RightCapital financial planning software, a growing library of financial planning checklists, online courses, and regular access to me and the team during live-streamed office hours calls. To learn more, visit our website: *** Free Guide *** #pranawealth #patrickking #howtoretire #retirement #retirementplanning #pensionlumpsum #lumpsum --- About Patrick King CFP® --- Patrick King is a fee-only financial advisor in Atlanta and the Founder of Prana Wealth. Over his career, Patrick has helped CEOs, all-star athletes, Grammy-winning artists, a...