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Showing posts with the label marriageandmoney

Reasons Why Marrying for Financial Stability can be Beneficial

I think it is a great idea to marry for money. Marrying can be one of the best financial decisions anyone can ever make. Interested in checking out ScoreMaster: By using the link you can save $3 every single month on your membership. Disclaimer: Please note that this video is made for entertainment purposes only and not to be taken as financial advice. Always make sure to do your own research. Looking for more money videos, I post new videos every week, subscribe to my channel: While you are here, why not check out some of my other videos: Wy investing won't make you rich: How much do you need invested to live off dividends alone: Why I gave up on being debt free: What is the average net worth by age: Would you be inerested in dying with zero: Looking to start investing in individual stocks, join Robinhood and get a free stock: #buildingwealth #marryformoney... ( read more ) LEARN MORE ABOUT: IRA Accounts CONVERTING IRA TO GOLD: ...

The Remarkable Journey of Von and Elzie Toward Financial Freedom Through Hustle and Determination

Debt freedom is a journey. You don’t just decide one day that you want to get out of debt, snap your fingers, and all the work gets done for you! Making that decision to pay off your debt is the first step, and from there it’s all about mindset, strategy, determination, and probably some elbow grease to get to where you want to be — and that’s financial freedom! Today on the His & Her Money Show, we’re talking with a couple who knows all about that! The Mitchells were actually one of our “in the middle” guests back in 2019 when they first came on the show, because back then, they weren’t quite done with their debt-free journey. So today, we’re following up with Von and Elzie for an update on how it’s all going, and it’s definitely going well! As some of you might already know, this Virginia couple was once $125,000 in debt under Von’s student loans. When Von decided enough was enough, initially Elzie didn’t share in the enthusiasm. After all, Von’s student loans weren’t...

Farnoosh Torabi: Stop Fighting With Your Spouse Over Money | Afford Anything Podcast (Audio-Only)

My friend and financial expert Farnoosh Torabi joins me to answer a relationship & money question from a listener named Janice.⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Janice is engaged, and she calls to ask: Should she get married? She earns double what her fiancĆ© makes. She has no debt except her mortgage. Her retirement accounts are well-funded. He makes half of her salary. He’s carrying $20,000 in credit card and student loan debt. He has two children from a previous marriage and pays 25 percent of his income to child support. He has zero retirement savings other than his state-funded teachers pension. They’ve been together for 8 years and engaged for three. But she’s unsure about whether or not she should walk down the aisle. Should they get married? Is this a smart financial decision?⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ Farnoosh and I both tackle this question together — and we disagree on some points, which makes this conversation better!! Farnoosh is the bestselling author of When She Makes More, a book that takes an in-dep...