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Showing posts with the label maxedoutyourrothira

Maxed Out Your ROTH IRA | What's Next?

Maxed Out Your ROTH IRA | What's Next? Congrats!!! You maxed out your Roth IRA, what's next? In this video I go over 3 possible avenues to go down after you max our your Roth IRA! Maxing out your Roth IRA is a huge step since it is tax free money once you reach 59.5 (if you withdrawal before 59.5, there is a penalty). Maxing out your Roth IRA, in my opinion, is a huge thing to do! Let's take a look at the possible avenues: First off, before I mention the avenues, here is a hint: After you max out your Roth IRA, use the remainder of the months in the year to get a head start on the following years Roth IRA. For example, if you max out the Roth in August. You could save a couple hundred dollars each month for the remainder of the current year so in the following year, you will have a head start! Avenue #1: Contribute more to another retirement account If you are not wanting to touch the money until you reach 59.5, this avenue shoots to contribute more to anoth...