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Showing posts with the label militarypayandbenefits

What is the value of Military Pension? (In Millions)

Please Like, Comment, and Share my videos! 🔔 SUBSCRIBE HERE 🔔 Be sure to check out my entire video playlist on Military Finance and Investing topics: 👇 👇 Watch My Other Videos Here 👇 👇 ★ Be a Military Millionaire - Use Your Government TSP ★ Know Your TSP - The Thrift Savings Plan Investment Funds G/F/C/S/I ★ Military Officer Pay - What does a Lieutenant make? (O-1/O-2) 📷 📷 My YouTube Equipment 📷 📷 ► My Camera 👉 ► My Wide-Angle Lens 👉 ► My Wireless Microphone 👉 ► My Shotgun Microphone 👉 ► My Lighting 👉 ► My Light Diffusers 👉 ► My GorillaPod 👉 ► My Tripod 👉 ► My SD Card 👉 ================ 📚 📚 Books That Changed My Life 📚 📚 📗 How to Win Friends & Influence People &#x1f...

Thrift Savings Plan: (Two Misconceptions) Redefine Your Retirement

You ever thought about how your old ass is going to survive when you're 75? Do you want to be a little bit taller? Do you want to be a baller? Do you want to have a girl who looks good? You could call her. Do you wish you had a rabbit in a hat with a bat and a Six Four Impala? Well you're not gunna get there unless you start planning early. In this video we do a number breakdown to show just how powerful the TSP is, why you should be investing early on, and why it's not the pot at the end of the rainbow like so many people think it is. Take a seat, grab a strong drink, and support LFTB by buying pictures of our feet! Yeet! $20/month unlimited access. Follow our FB or IG group to get weekly quick tip videos about different benefits: Facebook: IG: ----5 TSP Funds (technically 6 with the L Fund, but F that)---- G & F: Bonds - Low return but you're getting a same investment. Straight to the point though.. it's not worth it. Not unless you're...