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Showing posts with the label minimalismlifestyle

Simple + Clutter Free Christmas Traditions | Minimalist Family

These simple Christmas traditions are so easy, you can implement them THIS year! Have you ever noticed that December seems to move faster than every other month? I think it's because of the sheer busyness of the season! The crazy fast pace this time of year is one of the main reasons why my family decided to switch to an every other year rotation for gift giving. We were finding that we weren't able to do both the gift giving and the holiday traditions with as much intention as we wanted - when they were both crammed into one season. So now, we buy gifts one year and then focus on our holiday traditions the next! It has been working beautifully for our family. This year is actually a gift giving year at the cottage - but, I wanted to share some of the simple and clutter free Christmas traditions that our minimalist family has done in the past, PLUS some ideas that we are considering using in the future! All of these ideas are very simple and easy to implem...