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Showing posts with the label moneyandrelationshipsadvice

3 Ways to Turn Your Financial Negatives Into Positives - Kristin Wong on YMYW podcast ep #218

On the Your Money, Your Wealth® podcast episode #218 with Joe Anderson, CFP® and "Big Al" Clopine, CPA, Kristin Wong (author, Get Money, columnist, Joint Accounts @ talks about relationships and money and explains how communication, specificity, and gamification can improve your financial life. Joe and Big Al answer money questions: should you increase your Roth 457 contribution when your spouse wants to retire 8 years before you? Does a SEP IRA have the same protections as a 401(k)? Does your company HAVE to allow third-party management of your 401(k)? Plus, Big Al admits he answered a question incorrectly last week - stick around for the right answer. Transcript & show notes: 2:01 - My Wife Wants to Retire 8 Years Before Me. Should I Increase the Contribution to My Roth 457? 15:43 - Kristin Wong on Joint Accounts, Get Money, Communication, Specificity, and Gamification 32:21 - Big Al Corrects a Mistake (Excess Scholarship Contribution to a Roth...