Where Schwab, Fidelity, and Vanguard ranked this year. Morningstar Research Services’ Amy Arnott, portfolio strategist, and Gabe Denis, senior manager research analyst, discuss how the lines are blurring between robo-advisors and traditional financial advisors. Timestamps: What's a Robo-Advisor? 0:38 Investor Benefits From Robo-Advisors 1:25 Did 2022 Stand Up Against 2023? 2:03 Tax Loss Harvesting 3:05 Limitations of Digital Investment Advice 3:59 Robo-Advice vs. Human Advice 4:57 Robo-Advisor Fees 6:30 The Best Robo-Advisors Advisors of 2023 7:50 Schwab Intelligent Portfolios 9:01 Fidelity Go 10:35 Vanguard Robo-Advisor 11:33 The Worst Robo-Advisor 13:15 Read about topics from this episode. The Best Robo-Advisors of 2023 What Is a Robo-Advisor? Should You Be Using a Robo-Advisor? Are Robo-Advisors Worth Your Investment? What to watch from Morningstar. Stocks to Consider as the U.S. Pushes to Reclassify Cannabis “Ripped Off” to a “Better Deal” – How Investors ...
Timothy Sumer is a philanthropist and motivational speaker empowering young entrepreneurs across the nation. He speaks on starting new businesses and the importance of branding in the digital age. Timothy Sumer has a BA in Accounting from NYU and a Masters in Information Technology from MIT. Tim enjoys traveling around the globe, driving exotic sports cars, molecular gastronomy, exploring new cultures, and keeping on top of the latest technology trends. Hope you enjoy Timothy Sumer's page :)