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Showing posts with the label move401k

Should I move my 401k to an IRA? When 401k rollovers make sense

For more, see our post here: Have you ever wondered what to do with your 401k? One option is to roll your existing 401(k) into an IRA. There are a lot of benefits for rolling over old 401(k)s to an IRA, here’s a few of the most important: First – More Investment Options Available in an IRA. 401(k)s are notorious for having a limited amount of funds available to choose from. With an IRA, you open up more investment opportunities. This helps your investments remain more diversified and helps ensure your portfolio is invested appropriately for your long term goals. Next – Rollover Your 401(k) to Lower Fees. Many investment options in 401(k)s have higher fees associated with them than what you would have available in an IRA. By rolling over your 401(k) into an IRA, you can save on fees for the fund selection and also administrative fees. These highest fees are usually in the form of a fund’s expense ratio. 401(k)s are known for higher than average fees, especially if you...